Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Journey to a Healthier Me -Day 1

Ok, so I have finally done it! I have posted a picture, actually two pictures of the real me. This is my journey. I will write about my ups and downs and hope you can come along with me as I travel on this long and I'm sure bumpy year long road to getting healthy. Go to my Extras Page and take a look. This is the first picture I've taken of myself in a really long time. Well, at least the first picture that I have wanted to publish in a really long time.

I tried to do this last year, but the truth of the matter is that I wasn't ready. I'm ready now. It's time.

Susan's Blog Signature


  1. You are so awesome to take this step--but when you are ready--you are ready!! I will cheer you on each step of the way!!


  2. yay! for you. i like the second pose. do that again. every month. just to witness your progress. that i know you will work hard on. and eventually achieve the result you want.


  3. Good for you! And I love Daphne's idea...keep taking new pics to document your journey. You ROCK!
