Monday, October 10, 2011

BFF# 130 One day at a Time

…isn’t that what life is all about?







When life hands me more than I can bear, I try to think of the Tom Hanks line in my favorite movie, Sleepless in Seattle…it goes something like this, "Well, I am going to get out of bed every morning. Breathe in and out all day long. And then after a while, I won’t have to remind myself to get out of bed every morning and breathe in and out. And then after a while I won’t have to think I had it great and perfect for awhile.”

It took a lot of days to figure out this realization, and the sad part is that I really didn’t have it all that great and perfect before…it’s 1000 times better now.

Susan's Blog Signature

Below is the full scene that features that quote from above. (It starts at :25, but you can watch the whole scene because it is really good. Sorry about the subtitles...this was the best video clip I could find.)

***I have written this piece for a group on Facebook that I have joined, BFF Blogging For Fun. Interested in on the picture below to take you there. Don't forget to check out my friends at One Stop Blog World, a collective of all the great blog sites of which I am a member!


  1. Another great read from Susan. One day at a time is really all we have. No one knows if there will ever be a tomorrow. It's all about today.

  2. This is so great Susan. Like in the movie, we need to "Act as If" that is a term we like to use in the mental health field and great advice when we are facing adversity and stress.........

  3. When I was struggling back to life from deep depression, in addition to breathing in and out, I made my bed. Yes! Sounds stupid, but it was a big thing for me to find the wherewithal to make my bed. That was the beginning of healing.

    Great post, Susan!
